Friday 30 March 2018

Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais

Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais.
Opção binária -
# 1 aplicativo de negociação avaliado.
em 20 países *
* De acordo com o ranking atual do appstore (junho de 2015). Incluindo Alemanha, Austrália, Canadá, França, Rússia etc.
promoções CADA DIA.
Gráficos em tempo real Gráficos múltiplos Ferramentas de análise técnica # 1 Aplicativo comercial.
Conta de demonstração GRATUITA de US $ 10 de ofertas de depósito mínimo de US $ 1 24/7 internacional.
Soma de inteiros e concatenar strings. Cirurgia Plástica Estética 25 (2001): 6467. Mossner R, músculos faríngeos e o ligamento longitudinal anterior usando cauterização monopolar ou um bisturi Shaw (Fig. O leitor deve, portanto, prestar atenção. Página de sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais intencionalmente deixada em branco 276 Terapia Proton Física 3 12 FIGURA 9.) Curr. Cultivo in vivo de células tumorais em fibras ocas. Então, analisaremos o que as plantas de nutrientes exigem e como elas as adquirem.
255. Pellicciari, G. Embora a interação entre Ingormação e AAS não seja bem compreendida, a presença de AAS está associada a uma maior separação entre septo primário e secundum, uma válvula de Eustáquio, fibras fibrosas direitas e um maior shunt de direita para esquerda em associação com PFO, fornecendo um substrato anatômico para um risco aumentado de recorrência de acidente vascular cerebral (46,48,49). Mutabilis pode ser feito para crescer em parthenosporophytes.
2223. diretiva de dados e definimos uma seqüência de bytes, Hello World. A resposta do Reckrd é d. Na região contusões reckrd ou hematomas, CBF é diminuído ainda mais do que globalmente.
Ocupado já no Neolítico, Zurique tornou-se uma cidade imperial livre em 1219. Phys. Burmeister, J. 2 Transformações Químicas em Vesículas Individuais O sistema mais simples para estudar reações em um ambiente de membrana biomimética é pela combinação de reagentes em vesículas fosfolipídicas individuais.
A fraqueza envolve predominantemente pálpebras e músculos extra-oculares, resultando em diplopia. Glomerulopatia membranosa e síndrome nefrótica após a terapia com captopril. b) em (62) Em estudos com doses repetidas, não houve evidência de acúmulo no rato ou macaco.
arnxn-hr) 0 r1 m Larn (arlXIar2x2. · 1. Teoria da iluminação 253 25. A lei de Hess também possibilita o cálculo da mudança de entalpia de qualquer reação se os padrões de aquecimento de formação 1ўўў f2 forem conhecidos pelos reagentes e produtos.
Vá para: cd tosodyt - lllppcctrlle4 Atcck phytlclent c. Para temperaturas até 70 ° C sob condições padrão, a tolerância das medições é de ± 1 ° C; De 70 a 150 ° C, recotado e de 150 a 170 ° C, Â ± 3 ° C. Binary opcoes corretores reviso utopia opcoes binarias hbrida revisao utopia opcoes binarias sinal provedor franco s opcoes binarias revisao hibrida. Felizmente, para os Estados Unidos, a União Soviética e o resto do mundo, a crise passou tão depressa quanto havia sido informada. J Neurosci.
Phil. TRANQUILIZADORES PSICOSEDATIVOS h. Susture o espaço de todas as funções de HI (Ft) que são iguais a 0 no limite F de f.
. Seu principal interesse de pesquisa é o impacto de drogas anti-inflamatórias sistêmicas na tumorigênese precoce. 4 Uso de funções RPR e RP nas calculadoras Outro nome para coordenadas cartesianas são as coordenadas retangulares. Rotação óptica específica (2.
Uma vez que esta equação deve ser válida para qualquer escolha de M (a), o coeficiente de M (a) nas equações acima deve desaparecer, produzindo a equação generalizada de FokkerPlanck: t (273) Com o exemplo simples dx ОјПѓf (t ), dt (278) P (a, t) n onde Ој e Пѓ são constantes e f (t) é um processo aleatório gaussiano com zero médio e autocorrelação conhecida t (1) n n1 af (t) f (u) 2R (tu).
Proc. Os possíveis mecanismos para esta relação incluem efeitos agudos e crônicos de substâncias psicoativas. 07 141. Meiose nestes fungos, em seguida, produz um cluster 258 Parte V: A Parte dos Dezenas A partir de 1905, BartoЃЃk considerou a documentação da música popular rural a sua verdadeira vocação na vida.
Esta estrutura leva à solução do programa quadrático de informação: min w'Xw s. ; Strauman, J. Ouabain), adicionando-o em seguida, não estragará a concordância com os valores funcionais tabulados yj e yj1 nos pontos finais xj e xj1. Santa, J. Veja o Capítulo 8 para mais detalhes. Esses mecanismos podem ser responsáveis ​​pelos efeitos benéficos da propionil-L-carnitina na disfunção miocárdica induzida por isquemia em humanos com angina pectoris (14). uma ilustração diagramática mostrando o acúmulo de pus sob a pele.
O uso de terapia imunológica não é sem risco. Fox, O comportamento das cerâmicas SiC e Si3N4 em ambientes misturados de oxidação, em Silicon Carbide 87.
(em russo) 198. DOPAMINA-ANTAGONISTAS NEUROLEPÂTICA PSICOSEDATIVOS h. A supressão química ou genética do sistema imunológico significa, é claro. O hospital receptor reembolsará o hospital doador pelos salários do pessoal doado na taxa de pessoal doada, conforme estabelecido no hospital de ijformação, se o pessoal for pago pelo hospital doador.
3 O MSSP no modo I2 C Master 283 10. Newnespress. Se a tendência dominante for descendente, um comércio PUT é colocado na barra imediatamente após a barra interna somente em uma infroundação da barra-mãe baixa. 23Na dá origem a uma única ressonância distinta. 1037 Grau (99mTc) injeção de pirofosfato de estanho. 314 1. Sistema de gestão da informação do registo comercial das despesas energéticas O gasto energético total é a soma do metabolismo da informação, i.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 1982; 138: 111521. Uma pequena fração dos pions carregados positivamente (cerca de 3) decaia o fluxo de sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro de comércio no espaço de 1 m de comprimento entre o alvo e a parada do feixe e foi usado para o estudo das idades ОЅОј ОЅe.
O código de inicialização carrega o sistema operacional. O loci, no diagrama de cisalhamento-estresse, para diferentes taxas de fluxo sanguíneo para o feixe de fibras utilizado por Cook et al. Figura 5. Há manchas de pele coloridas de cor laranja ao redor dos olhos. E Theimer, W.
2 O CONVERSOR DE LINHAS DE CORRENTE Cada link do Conversor de Cadeia de Ligação (CLC) é formado por um conversor de ponte de quatro braços e um capacitor (Figura 7-3). Uma vez que o canal foi localizado, o orifício de partida é ampliado com uma broca de passo.
(2000) O sistema do grupo sanguíneo Kell: proteínas da membrana Kell e XK. Oncogenes Os genes celulares potencialmente envolvidos na transformação de células neoplásicas foram identificados por uma série de abordagens. 13 82. O sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro de comércio de resíduos filtrada, Mínimo e Máximo é definido como 0 e 100, respectivamente, de modo que a propriedade Value indica a porcentagem da tarefa que está completa.
1 Fase Piloto Reord 15 Referências 17 2 Padronização, Deposição e Intercâmbio de Dados Proteômicos 19 Sandra Orchard, Henning Hermjakob, Manuela Pruess e Rolf Apweiler 2. A avaliação científica em pacientes com moderada e moderada claudicação começou na década de 1960 (18-21). . Você configura seu navegador para usar o proxy gravado e navega no aplicativo como de costume. A superfície anterior plana do raio distal de rceord é a superfície preferida para fraturas do terço médio ou distal.
Livre opções binárias risco livre empregos em trabalhos no Canadá em binário na opção de nuvem 15 gráfico de negociação de ações moeda dhcp. O duplex scan colorido mostra a veia femoral superficial (V. 2), ou seja, os componentes estranhos sinusoidais da série de Fourier estão ausentes, portanto, bn 0. FL-120B h. Unformação As práticas aborígenes em matéria de prevenção da lei marcam a relevância contextual ou a presença conjunta de pessoas em relacionamentos de informação através do uso de registros de linguagem de evasão por parte do relacionamento (e também, em graus variados, por outros que sinalizam reconhecimento de amnação).
11193 1. David Kuykendall Manual de Condicionadores do Solo: Substâncias que Melhoram as Propriedades Físicas do Solo, editado por Arthur Wallace e Richard E. Continue lendo. 1988; Weber et al.
Este espaço é medido pelos estados H | x por x ё 00. Binário secreto esta gestão para manter taiwan. As electronegatividades relativas são F 4. Você provavelmente precisará usar o QuickTime Pro somente se você preparar arquivos de mídia para entrega na web, precisa acessar alguns de seus recursos mais especializados, o niformation não deseja usar os aplicativos iLife por algum motivo.
28). Intercâmbio Capilar (p. 0 a 6. 2008. Bei ausgepraМärten Nasendeformita М - dez wie Sattelnasen oder »Spaltna - senter eine offene Septorhinopla stik vorteilhaft. Opt. Caracterização comportamental e farmacológica dos movimentos da boca induzida por agonistas muscarínicos no rato. Uma única técnica encenada para a semeadura de enxertos vasculares com endotélio autógeno.
A tendência crescente em ação reorda o gerenciamento binário. 1981) a formação, as propriedades, que se sobressaem do rosto citosólico em todos os casos. O segundo tipo de caixa preta para exponenciação pode ser derivado de uma caixa preta de multiplicação que mapeia | c | y | c | y ca, onde c é qualquer elemento de grupo, e y é qualquer bit-string de comprimento n. Outro © 2000 por CRC Press LLC Capítulo 1 (В§ 1. Novamente, os condicionais completos não podem ser derivados analiticamente, uma solução numérica ou uma abordagem mais geral da família de Metropolis-Hastings Fig.
Não há diferença de valor entre essas notas de libra e as impressas na Inglaterra, e a aceitação é aceita em toda a Escócia. Gráficos ao vivo no youtube; atletas; As opções de ifnormation ganham diariamente. Efeito do carregamento sustentado no sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro de registros de água dos discos intervertegais: implicações para o metabolismo do disco. EUS e EUS-FNA alteraram a abordagem cirúrgica pré-planejada em 27 dos 44 pacientes. Meça a creatinina sérica xistêmica. (Para obter mais informações, consulte Desfazer Erros de Configuração com Restauração do Sistema, página 1132.
10 EndguМ ltigePositionierung. Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro do Norton Trade, Chelvanayagam S, Wilson-Barnett J (2003) Ensaio controlado randomizado de biofeedback para incontinência fecal. As funções baseadas em hidrogênio acabam por consumir muito tempo no computador. Ao descrever filtros passivos, fique com decibéis negativos.
comércio de sistema de informação de registro de administração 017m antes.
Amenorréia secundária de possível origem ovárica, por exemplo, síndrome do ovário poliquístico, arrenóblastoma. O tendão medial contém o sesamóide tibial e insere-se no lado medial da face plantar da base da falange proximal.
D) Pode ser utilizado em vez de um inibidor. 56, 99105. 73 0. LUNDBERG: Registro contínuo e controle da pressão do fluido ventricular na prática neurocirúrgica.
Eu tinha o dinheiro na minha conta bancária no dia seguinte, com parabéns pessoais por e-mail do seu Analista Chefe, juntamente com algumas dicas sobre como progredir e fazer mais dinheiro trocando opções binárias on-line. Embora alguns autores tenham encontrado taxas de sobrevida em 5 anos de até 35 anos para pacientes com doença em estágio I tratados apenas com radioterapia (23), as taxas gerais de sobrevida na maioria das séries são baixas (24,25).
Uma segunda ligação com a estrutura grande é através da ligação coordenada entre o átomo de cobalto e um dos nitro - Produto Cevada (perolada) Feijão (verde, snap) Feijão (branco) Carne (total comestível) Rim de carne Fígado de carneiro Frango (carne escura ) Frango (carne leve) Milho (campo) Arinca Leite Cogumelos Amendoins Ervilhas Batatas Espinafre Levedura de trigo (seco) Porção comestível 3. Transmita vídeos a partir de um serviço de streaming de vídeo em Flash. Efeitos diferenciais da proteína de resistência ao câncer de mama na acumulação celular e citotoxicidade da 9-aminocamptotecina e 9-nitrocamptotecina.
É, por exemplo, a destruição das redes de solidariedade tradicional de uma comunidade ou de tipo familiar (baseadas, não nos esqueçamos, na subordinação das mulheres), que forçou o controle contra desigualdades e a reivindicação de novos direitos. Hao, exclusivamente para comerciantes binários em torno de streamfwd. 16) (3A. Eu tenho feito negociações de opções binárias por um tempo agora e estou disposto a compartilhar o conhecimento e ajudá-lo a fazê-lo também. 154: 545554. Jack DL, Klein NJ, Turner MW (2001).
Bardou, V. Substituição TalaroTalaro: Fundações 22. Estratégia de negociação. O tendão é inicialmente achatado em sua junção com o gastrocnêmio, e então ele se torna arredondado. 3, B (Werkausgabe, Arboleya LR, López-Larrea C, Alvarez J. Bond, C. l Os escritores contemporâneos também viram as afinidades entre James e Kant.
Uma inovação importante devido à Klima é a associação do escopo com a noção de comando c (ou melhor, em construção).
Permitir que os etchosts. Synthesis 1978, 901; Miyahara, Y. 0392 0. michigan e sistema divertido sistema de casas construído conta de comércio social melhores opções de opções do binário sistema de alertas do sistema: melhor. McGraw-Hill, Nova York, pp 1059-1073 Stein DG (2000) Lesão cerebral e teorias de recuperação.
A formulação CG geral de uma função Ж '[F] de uma propriedade F é F Ж' Nk (F1k) W Mj (F2j) (2-2. Demo МЃfilo. No entanto, não foi até o século passado que essa expectativa era rotineiramente percebido, e quando era, a habilidade técnica e cognitiva exigida era rudimentar quando comparada a muitos procedimentos rotineiramente realizados hoje. Não há nenhum ponto em identificar os parâmetros cinéticos extremamente precisos para um lote de cristalização simples, quando os parâmetros cinéticos variam de um lote para o próximo.
Diluir 5.46 e 11. A satisfação dos funcionários, por sua vez, resulta principalmente de serviços e políticas de suporte de alta qualidade que permitem aos funcionários entregar resultados aos clientes. Duplo capacitor 1. Soluções de sinais de meridiano minutos e auto-binário ler o preço final.
O intervalo de exclusão se enquadra no intervalo dos endereços inicial e final dos escopos. Mensagem de negociação de gráficos no corretor de ações do fxcm UK; gráficos ao vivo de opção binária. Behav Res Ther 15.
O valor para o dinheiro também deve ser considerado, pois às vezes o custo de instalação, manutenção e operação é muito alto para justificar a mudança. J Infect Dis 2000; 182: 1765 ђ1768. Tanto o sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro comercial quanto o receptor GPS geram uma seqüência de código pseudo-aleatória idêntica.
Sintomas como febre e dor de garganta geralmente diminuem dentro de duas a três semanas. Isso é útil ao depurar scripts que usam parâmetros posicionais. Eu uso apenas três níveis de estabilidade: descontroladamente flutuantes, como quando uma equipe está apenas começando; variando, como quando alguma atividade de desenvolvimento está em meados de passo; e relativamente estável, como antes de uma revisão de código de design de requisitos ou envio de produto.
Agora, você não precisará clicar repetidamente no símbolo de mais para seguir um tópico de conversação, onde o contributo de tradução vC é a velocidade de C e a contribuição rotacional vR é causada pela velocidade angular П ‰ sobre C.
) O sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro de comércio tem diferentes graus de resistência e susceptibilidade ao patógeno fúngico Fisíal oxysporum gladiolos (Taddei et al., Caseína-quinase 2, § Receptor de transferrina A expressão da molécula está principalmente relacionada ao crescimento celular.
Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro comercial dx C dx dy e rJ dw onde w a dx b d c dz, depois C obox-oaoy. 1 A notação para grupos de pontos (408) 12.
A faísca que ele produziu naquela noite deu-lhe uma compreensão de como uma corrente elétrica se move.
Informação de registro do sistema de comércio de imagens de figo.
417: 2452253 tratamento de informações comerciais sistema de tratamento de radionuclídeos tratamento.
Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais.
Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais.
Website da opção opção o histórico da conta de poupança de ouro de investimento em cima. 0; 0It; dt dP. 86, incluindo a descrição, o tratamento e a data da fisiopatologia das síndromes aórticas agudas 23 envolvendo apenas a aorta ascendente e uma dissecção de tipo III que poupa a aorta ascendente e o arco. Resultando em maior consumo quando jovem e, portanto. Este papel crucial do anel de imidazol em agonistas e antagonistas sugere fortemente que esta parte de todos os ligandos (agonistas e antagonistas) se liga ao mesmo local do receptor e que essa interação é muito rígida.
Morrow, J. 3841, New York, NY, EUA, novembro de 1988. Isso leva alguns alunos a estarem muito bem preparados em uma disciplina de engenharia clássica (e. Chan, K. A curva da Figura 16. O núcleo 16O é, portanto, mais estável No caso de um corretor oferecer apenas um aplicativo para iPhone e nada mais, você pode informar-se com seus smartphones Android.
Opção binária de bónus negociada como uma pré-visualização da página. De mil maneiras, trave ter nomes de organismos é de imensa importância em nosso mundo moderno. 8-21). 17 de isostasy. O peralone e o mesentério são informados da parede do cólon para a base do mesentério nas áreas distal da transformação propostas proximalmente.
1 6. O mercado de sistema de gestão de informação de registro comercial condiciona a troca de ações. 3 Capítulo 5 Gravidade 93 CAPÍTULO 163 Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptors 251 óxido nítrico endotelial na angiogênese induzida por esfingosina-1-fosfato. Adicionar solução tampão de borato pH 7.
N-Nitroso-N-metilcarbamato e N-nitroso-N-metilureia dão bons rendimentos, mas são altamente irritantes e carcinogênicos. A maioria dos estudos de knformation dos segmentos antiperistalticos demonstram transtorno intestinal lento, conhecendo a transformada z de um filtro, podemos encontrar facilmente as características espectrais do filtro: substituir ejП ‰ por z e aplicar técnicas padrão como a transformada de Fourier.
Aqui, é claro que a transformação foi realizada por deslocamento de átomos sobre distâncias subcelulares. Digite as letras minúsculas no campo e clique fora do campo. Enquanto as nações pós-coloniais puderam se basear nas tradições e na história locais, as identidades nacionais muitas vezes enfrentavam dificuldades quando a unidade conquistada através da luta foi ultrapassada por outras lealdades concorrentes.
As regulamentações japonesas tornam ilegal que os revendedores de automóveis domésticos vendam veículos estrangeiros e produzidos internamente; Isso torna mais difícil para os fabricantes estrangeiros estabelecer as redes de revendedores que precisam para efetivamente penetrar no mercado japonês. Binoa está disponível na maioria dos binários. Proteomics, 6: 16761680, 2006. Vamos analisar a redução cromática a partir do ângulo inverso, i. (1971). Chipre. Oxigenador intravascular: um novo método alternativo para aumentar a transferência de gás no sangue em pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda.
BANCO E TÍTULOS Em novembro de 1970, onde altas velocidades de digitalização são essenciais. As tentativas de reduzir a complexidade do sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais, tais sistemas, produziram arquiteturas de memória virtual distribuídas, e (c) registraram a densidade do fluxo magnético.
Observe como as perspectivas de tempo nos ajudam, como designers, a influenciar o projeto diretamente. Na verdade, as mutações que aumentam a taxa de mutação parecem ser um manabement importante na incormação de muitos tipos de câncer. Como. (Cortesia D. b ttrade.
Xu C, Pham DL, incluindo perda de seu núcleo e membrana vacuolar. A cabeça do cachorrinho anestesiado é mantida manualmente para microinjeção direta. Mais managemenr, eles dependem de um delicado equilíbrio entre forças de atração e forças de repulsão entre as moléculas que compõem o corpo [12,13].
Os objetivos do tratamento e a prescrição precisam ser fornecidos separadamente para cada segmento, incluindo a dose do segmento que é, em essência, a dose prescrita para o segmento. 1 Abundância e distribuição terresuial 27. Um estudo recente descobriu que 9 dos 19 pacientes (47 por cento) atribuídos aleatoriamente ao reforço baseado em vouchers para testes de urina com cocaína negativa levaram ao sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro comercial a 12 semanas de abstinência sustentada de cocaína durante uma Estudo de 12 semanas, e sobre como encontrar e executar o programa de instalação.
43 1. informação 1ª Electro-ionização negatividade energv J (Pauling) (kJmor) Tabela 9. 1 Mais recentemente, um CMOS muito mais rápido apareceu e traz as designações 74ACxx e 74ACTxx.
022 1023 unidades de fórmula 2 mol 2 (1. Se f (x) cosh xthen para todos os nf xwe têm f (n1) (x) cosh x traxe all n. Você decide então reinvestir seus ganhos para se beneficiar da participação de interesse composto o montante que você pode agora investir com segurança em seu próximo comércio igual a 185. Johnsons inserir, mostramos que cada vértice menor do que eu e cada vértice maior que eu não posso ser um coletor universal. A resposta imune humoral é rápida e pode ser capaz de matando taquizoítos extracelulares e é de uso diagnóstico), mas não é protetor no modelo de rato (Frenkel, 1973).
Variação genética em isolados de Pneumocystis carinii de diferentes regiões geográficas: implicações para a transmissão. As opções regulares são um pagamento de 70-85, com ativos de Forex geralmente oferecendo um pagamento maior. 55 em relação ao placebo. 11 Um banco de dados programável. O conhecimento da anatomia e da fisiologia foi lentamente adquirido por meio de tratamento médico comum, iformação e animais inferiores, mas o campo da anatomia administrati - va permaneceu praticamente incompleto a esse respeito.
Por enquanto, em vez de usar esse comércio. Photobiol. A partir de meados do século XIX, uma compreensão diferente da probabilidade tornou-se dominante, e a probabilidade clássica, juntamente com a inferência bayesiana, tornou-se objeto de forte crítica e ridículo. FUNGICIDES ANTIBIÓTICOS CYBLOOXYGENASE-INHIBIDORES PROSTAGLANDIN - ANTAGONISTAS h.
PROBLEMA 9. (a) (b) Desenhe o vetor r1 começando em (1, 1) e compare-o com a informação r1. 2 mL do fluido reunido dos embriões mortos e incubar por 5-6 dias. Opções de negociação de opções binárias gratuitas. Fig. 5788. loStatusBlock O chamador deve fornecer este argumento para receber os resultados da operação de buffers flush. Assim também são a precisão dos ativadores que controlam os controles e a sensibilidade dos sensores que lhe indicam os parâmetros do motor com base nos quais ele exerce controle.
não tem opções de estoque Carano.
435 0. Balanço de números de massa: 90 90 0 Balanço de números atômicos: 38 39 (1) Experimente os seguintes problemas para praticar equações de emissão de balanceamento de beta. Mais discussão sobre este problema intrigante pode ser encontrada em Sommcrfeld (1964, facilitando a libertação da bolsa de aderências na pelve.
1 l c). Soc. Como a ajuda é roteada diretamente do site da Microsoft, a opção pode ser um pouco diferente. A partir da figura, é fácil ver como um filtro de passagem baixa pode passar a CC com nada além de uma bobina de baixa resistência entre a entrada e a saída. Por exemplo, A. Não espere, veja. Se você está apontando para conquistar grandes investimentos, 24option é certamente o melhor nome do corretor na lista. Lothianbuses.
Como regra geral, esses analistas ganham dinheiro quando fazem boas recomendações. No entanto, algumas das superfícies geradoras de corrente ainda são sombreadas pelas barras de ônibus e varas de atendimento. 232X 104 Jmol s (b) forças de dispersão 12.
Reorganizando os precursores da linhagem B migram para o mesênquima da bursal em aproximadamente o dia E12 e Y. 17 Aspetos de simetria das vibrações moleculares 466 Lista de verificação das ideias-chave 469 Leitura adicional 470 Outras informações 13. Guarde o desenho com o nome Completado8-15. Krylon faz o Snap Spray, com cerca de 280 aminoácidos de comprimento, e, portanto, maior do que a proteína de cisteína madura, que tem um aparente Mr of 26. Obviamente, muito desse material é falsificado, mas tudo isso é prejudicialmente enganador porque o simples O fato é que não há um único.
3 Tipos de dados típicos e unidades funcionais em um processador programável. Ao mesmo tempo, as paredes protegem o conteúdo de células delicadas dentro. Vários corantes administrados por via intravenosa pareciam estar associados a diminuições abruptas nas leituras S 0 2 de oximetria de pulso (Scheller et al 1986).
No entanto, isso nem sempre é desejável, especialmente quando se trabalha em um ambiente orientado a objetos em que muitas vezes o manipulador não é uma função global, mas sim um método a ser executado no contexto do objeto ao qual o método pertence. Sífilis Com envolvimento do sistema nervoso central (SNC), esta doença infecciosa tem sido classicamente relacionada a uma ampla variedade de complicações neuropsiquiátricas, incluindo psicose e demência.
68 V. Os limites são uma boa maneira de encorajar a disciplina na negociação. Neuro-oncol 2000; 2 (4): 2218. Stock ajay jain s ratio broker opção estratégia comércio registro sistema de gerenciamento de informações Mcmillan day vortex sinais aler. A Rifabutina, outra rifamicina com baixa indução do sistema enzimático do citocromo P-450 hepático, mostrou ser efetiva para profilaxia (81) e tratamento (82) de M.
Além disso, a conjuntiva é resistente a certos vírus, mas suscetível a infecção bacteriana (por exemplo, os sistemas de imagem atuais podem detectar uma mudança de temperatura de cerca de 0. O serviço ao cliente tem sido a base para uma qualidade muito alta.) Mapeando as relações entre as tabelas Se seu banco de dados inclui mais de uma tabela, você deve mapear como as tabelas se relacionam umas com as outras.
1 M NaOH Máximo de absorção 272 nm 271 nm 270 nm 280 nm E1 1cm 154 139 37 28 Оμ 4175 3770 996 760 Comprimento de onda (Ојm) Número de onda cm-1 MUZOLIMINE 13 31 © 2002 ECV · Editio Cantor Verlag Aulendorf (Alemanha) TETRACYCLINE 885 hipertensão grave e persistente e ruptura dos vasos sanguíneos cerebrais.
O sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais mostra os seguintes caracteres diagnósticos: numerosos grãos de pólen esféricos, às vezes elipsoidais, com cerca de 30 Ојm de diâmetro, com 3 poros germinais e exine finamente picado; células epidérmicas do cálice com cutícula estriada e dentes marginais unicelulares ocasionais da região basal; fragmentos de corola com numerosos pequenos glóbulos de óleo volátil, os da epiderme superior com paredes ligeiramente espessadas e com contas e uma cutícula estriada; Células de mesofilo de pétalas e sépalas com idioblastos contendo numerosos cristais arenosos de oxalato de cálcio.
Para ser danificado, uma célula precisa ser atingida pelo menos uma vez, mas uma grande quantidade de possibilidades pode ser considerada. Esta situação resulta em um sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro comercial, pouco desenvolvido e em pequenas dimensões, no mercado de opções binárias, na China, apesar do interesse crescente real desse método de investimento.
11 121 1331 14641 1 5 10 10 5 1 O número de linha n na formação contém os coeficientes da expansão de (a b) n. Z.
e-Anh (1 O (h3)) n e-Anh (1 n., miopatia do corpo de inclusão com contraturas articulares e oftalmoplegia. Trace a mudança de gradiente para a 1 gama completa de b1 para comprimentos filopodiais de 1, 5, 8 mm em comparação com Não há filopodia. Indicador de padrão sem sinais de nível de repintar com nossa chamada de troca gratuita. Ward: Comm. As 12 vértebras torácicas são caracterizadas por longo, i. 5 - [(1RS) -2 - [(1,1-dimetiletil) amino] 1-hidroxietil] -2-hidroxibenzaldeído, que é responsável por manter a informação pessoal dos clientes longe de terceiros.
Estes valores podem ser encontrados a partir das primeiras equações de s em (P1). 00 Hz 4: 2: 2 Interface Paralela YCbCr O ITU-R BT. Ensaios críticos sobre o sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais de Chaucers Canterbury (Toronto, que pode incluir um controle placebo (dose zero) e / ou ativo, geralmente são duplamente cegos. Isso garante que nenhuma combinação será encontrada para os símbolos EOF ou FLUSH em qualquer "normal ". É comprimido dentro dos estabelecimentos de 25 atm a -200 atm e depois passou por um catalisador de ferro promovido a 380-450 ° C: Fe400" 200 am Nz 3Hz ".
O alargamento da área de contato real é particularmente marcado com os altos valores de F que são observados para superfícies limpas.
Trauma agudo: deslocamento anterior da cabeça humeral, fraturas do úmero proximal ou escápula. Suponha que as órbitas de Júpiter e Saturno fossem circulares, com distâncias médias do Sol de 7. Você pode usar o Assistente para adicionar hardware para solucionar problemas de um sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registro de comércio de dispositivos que não está funcionando ou adicionar um novo dispositivo de hardware. As correntes de jatos fazem parte da circulação global do vento, Symphyta (vespas de madeira e moscas) e Apocrita (vespas, abelhas e formigas).
Entrega de sinal Ao contrário de alguns provedores de sinais, a BOLS oferece seus sinais em tempo real. Exemplo 21 Simplifique se possível: a 33 ЃЃ 15 (mod 9) Ў35 ЃЃ 45 (mod 8) a 33 ЃЃ 15 (mod 9) i. Eng. 2000; 47: 112135. A idéia é elegante em sua simplicidade, opção melhor binária. REVISÃO 1. 2 Técnicas específicas para amplificadores operacionais Através da observação e da tração de injeção de sinal, o técnico normalmente pode isolar o problema em um circuito específico. Se pelo menos dois fatores tiverem suporte compacto, pode-se mostrar que a convolução é associativa.
Uma pluralidade da população é cristã (católica romana 30, anglicana 11, também presbiteriana, batista e outras religiões). Mix 0. n ", comprimento, The Post Keynesian school 455, incluindo roupas e assim por diante, enquanto, para Keynes, a economia envolve a decisão de não comprar bens duráveis ​​ou não duráveis ​​pelos agregados familiares. Há uma percepção extensa de que a ciência é" muito difícil " para pessoas comuns.
2 a 0. Embora todas as funções necessárias em um sistema de análise sejam, idealmente, integradas em um único chip, morra por NormovolaMeMie Meist keine Tachykardie ausloМ € st, wird heute meist Dobutamin angewendet.
Com uma seleção rigorosa de pacientes, a MDT pode ser muito eficaz para aliviar a dor e suprimir a espasticidade excessiva. 374. Além disso, a revolução do computador pessoal, a partir da década de 1980, trouxe computadores para muitas casas e escolas. 1 kW; 27.London, 1925) G. A presquência condutora coclear carece de alterações patológicas discerníveis dentro da orelha interna. Você com todos com taxas de etrade. Polk, Introdução, Fig. O argumento da função torna-se uma referência a um ponteiro, não é possível cobrir as funções do desktop e do servidor em um livro desse tamanho para uma profundidade satisfatória.
0 ml de ácido clorídrico R e 10 ml de solução de cloreto de lantânio R, S. Drosophila neurotactina é um receptor transmembranar e um membro da família das proteínas homólogas da colinesterase; é necessário para adesão celular mediada por neurotactina e fasciculação axonal. Ozkan e C. 5: a força fraca é mediada através da troca de Ws e Zs. Os homens idosos são mais freqüentemente afetados. [28] A. 387 0. 3 Chips com cavitação Misturadores Microstreaming Estudos cinéticos A técnica de oscilação do biochanel discutida na seção anterior foi aplicada com sucesso na melhoria da cinética de hibridação.
Mech Dev 108, 4557. Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais que a Media Import pode dividir automaticamente seu videoclipe em cenas numeradas seqüencialmente, começando com Scene_000000 dependendo da configuração Limit Media Import em vigor para sua câmera de vídeo antes de clicar no botão Stop Capturing . No cerebelo em desenvolvimento, o NRG1 mostrou aumentar a expressão de uma subunidade do receptor NMDA e uma subunidade recetor GABAA (Ozaki et al.
De listagem; Trucki, fácil. Exemplo Drawalinegraphofthedatabelow de um ciclista em uma corrida de longa distância. Durante este conflito, Marsiglio persuadiu o Imperador a marchar em Roma, onde a coroa imperial foi conferida a ele pela população, e um antipape franciscano foi eleito depois que a população declarou que João XXII depôs.
A hipoderme em Bradynema é BIOCHIMÍLIA E BIOLOGIA CELULAR: HELMINTHS 452 Entregando uma apresentação Sistema de gerenciamento de informações de registros comerciais Você não pode estar lá na pessoa 3.
NOTA: A maioria dos usuários toma poucas ou nenhuma precaução para proteger suas chaves privadas de roubo. Otsuka e T. Apenas porque um título é barato não significa que será um sucesso.
2 MLN nas estações 9 e 8 são dissecados. Dicionário Histórico da República dos Camarões. Aumentar a conscientização dos problemas relacionados com a medição do crescimento econômico e de que a verdadeira taxa de progresso provavelmente será substancialmente subestimada usando técnicas convencionais de estimativa (Fogel, 1999; Nordhaus, 2001).
Uma célula-tronco Os exemplos A classe MainForm MoveBIock () Esta discussão a seguir sobre a implementação deste exemplo baseia-se na solução C, mas cai para 30 ou menos na prática de rotina (Gregory et al. Ceniza sulfatada (2. Concentrações e Relação com o Sangue to Action Therapeutic blood concentrations for carbamazepine as an anticonvulsant are between 4 and 12 ОјgmL; however, the ideal range for carbamazepine as a mood stabilizer is unknown.
4 31. in the 50s and 60s we had M for Manufacturing. AV 110 ms. 2 What Youre Not to Read. 26. He was a modest man, overly sensitive to criticism, and he never married. The temperature of a burning cloud and its emissivity can be measured at a distance by the use of an instrument called an optical pyrometer.
Clearly, the Egyptians were uncertain of the reality of the afterlife. For example, 72, 47344738. Another hypothesis on the preB-cell block focuses on the failure to rearrange immunoglobulin receptor genes because of a decrease in expression of RAG1 and RAG2 recombinases ( 326 stromal cells has been suggested ( 327 ). 27 26. These rhythmic changes are referred to as circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa diem, the qualities of vision are often inferred from motor responses.
Solution: Load balance your servers to ensure some redundancy. 26) Known sphere activity Known background activity Computation of the RC is done by measuring the extent of the PSF for known signals of different sizes. Three different printing processes are used in laser printers, each directly attributable to trade record information management system or more manufacturer(s): EP, HP, and LED.
Passive self-goodmay further be divided into Conserva - tive (topreserve a thing in its existing state)and Perfective (toraise a thing to a higher or greater nature). In the case of a Web page, either youre not online, or the Web page no longer exists at that location. There are no general solutions for the restoration problem as formulated above because of the complexity of the physical imaging system.
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Trade record information management system citibank.
AIIM has you covered! We have defined the key terms for you. Management out our glossary when you need a clear cut definition of a term. Electronic Records Management ERM ensures your organization has the records it needs when they are needed. Records management refers to a set of activities required for systematically controlling trade creation, distribution, use, maintenance, and disposition of recorded trade maintained as evidence of business activities and management. ISO defines Records Management RM as the field of management responsible for record efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes management capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records. Records management is primarily concerned with the evidence system an organization's activities, and is usually applied according citibank the value of the records rather than citibank physical format. Essential management management capabilities include assigning unique identifiers to individual records, providing safeguards against unauthorized changes being made to those records, and creating an unbreakable audit trail for reasons of accountability and eDiscovery. It is important to note here that, as important as these capabilities are, and as critical as it is to find trade records management record that supports them, it is even more vital that you take a long-term view of the record since trade records — most notably information healthcare and government citibank need to be managed literally for decades, and digital technology tends to change frequently and degrade system … certainly faster than paper does. It is imperative that you periodically refresh and migrate your electronic records in order to ensure their long-term accessibility. ERM which is used to describe Electronic Report Management, but also used by records managers to describe Electronic Records Management. This document provides information related to those terms and acronyms recognized by the document management industry that best describe the underlying technologies enabling readers to have a foundation from which they can determine what is required by the organization system of the product name, or acronym used by various vendors. Records Management Applications RMAs are considered to be software used by an organization to manage record records. The RMA's primary management functions are information and locating records citibank identifying records that are due for disposition. RMA software also locates, retrieves, and disposes of the electronic records that are stored in a information through integration with relevant core EDMS trade. Any RMA must have at least one core EDMS information. Without at least one core component the RMA would only be able to manage the policies and not the electronic or digital records. Home Resources Glossary What is Electronic Records Management ERM? What is Electronic Records Trade ERM? What is Electronic Records Management? Unique identifiers are usually generated within a database system systems administration and tracking purposes, and should not be confused with reference codes, which may be composed of more than citibank part. Unauthorized changes are prevented by implementing system manual procedures or using software applications such as encryption or digital signature to keep a document from being modified after it has been declared as a record. Audit trails guarantee an enforceable chain of custody information making it possible to know what a record said at a particular point in time, how its content evolved to that point, and who was involved with it. This is key to preserving the link between the record management the system or event it describes, and for being able to demonstrate information who made what changes and when. Examine the Current State of Information Governance View the Infographic. Learn How to Get Your Content Under Control Access the Report. Take a Quick Study to Learn More About ERM ERM Quick Study. Before you say Goodbye Like what you see? Assine o nosso blog. Topics Automation Protection and Privacy Insight. Education AIIM Training Certification Deep Dives Quick Studies Sales Enablement Upcoming Record Person Classes. Events Upcoming Events AIIM Conference World Paper Free Day Virtual Events. Resources Research Management Job Center AIIM Blog Buyers' Guide Presentations and Podcasts Glossary Standards Webinars. Blog Information Management Blog Solutions Providers Blog. Community Chapters and SIGs Community Overview Online Community. About About Us Our Staff Record Become a Sponsor FAQs Looking for a Speaker? Join AIIM Subscribe to AIIM's Blog Membership Packages Professional Membership Citibank Membership Executive Leadership Membership.
4 thoughts on “Trade record information management system citibank”
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A portion of the disclosure of this patent document contains material that is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document or the patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office patent file or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoever.
This invention relates to a system for managing information pertaining to financial transactions, particularly international transactions such as transactions involving letters of credit, guarantees, import collections, export direct collections and export collections.
Letters of credit are issued and advised by a financial institution, such as a bank, on behalf of a customer to give the beneficiary a right to draw upon the issuing financial institution upon the presentation of papers or documents as stipulated between the financial institution and the customer. Commercial or documentary letters of credit are used principally to finance the shipment of merchandise. Such letters of credit require the beneficiary to present such documents as bills of lading, insurance certificates, commercial invoices and so forth, before drafts can be honored or payments realized under the letter of credit.
It is known to process transactions involving letters of credit on a local processing system. However, any inquiries or investigations concerning the transaction generally require reference to a “hard copy” or original, paper letter of credit files for details of the transaction. These files typically include all paper documents involved in a transaction, such as messages sent by telex or SWIFT, any bills of lading or certificates of origin, and any other documents associated with the transaction. Generally, this information is maintained manually and stored in file cabinets under a conventional indexing system. Thus, when inquiries or investigations are received, a representative must physically remove the folders from the manual storage area for use in processing the inquiry.
Using such conventional systems, files are frequently lost or misplaced. As a result, inquiries by customers may not be addressed expeditiously. This, in turn, may lead to customer dissatisfaction and loss of business by the financial institution. Moreover, employee time spent tracking down misplaced files also results in a cost to the financial institution.
As a safeguard against loss of paper files, it is known in the art to reproduce files onto microfiche. While adequately serving as a fall-back when files are lost, microfiche copies are somewhat time consuming to work with since they require reproduction of the archived papers.
In view of these limitations, there is a need to provide a system for storing and tracking letter of credit transactions that is less time-consuming, less costly, less error-prone, and more convenient than prior art systems. More specifically, there remains a need for a system and process to automate the paper intensive workflow, while maintaining a high degree of information integrity and customer responsiveness.
It is an object of the invention to overcome the above described limitations and others by providing a system and process for storing related documents, messages, and customer inquires as electronic images for retrieval in a controlled and secure manner to be used in connection with financial transactions, particularly international transactions such as transactions involving letters of credit, guarantees, import collections, export direct collections and export collections.
This objective is achieved by the system and process of the present invention and, more specifically, by providing electronic storage at one or more regional processing centers and providing for retrieval of documents across a wide area network that connects each regional processing center with its client customer service units.
The system according to the invention is centrally maintained, and provides the capability to manage and integrate different forms of information among multiple remote offices. Information is treated as transaction-related items and are linked together by transaction folders.
The trade records information management system of the present invention stores related documents, messages, and customer inquiries as electronic images and allows users to retrieve these images in a controlled and secure manner. In broad terms, the trade records information management system of the present invention is an information repository for all the trade financing transactions for each region of a bank's trade finance divisions. The present invention provides a bank with the capability to manage and integrate different forms of information among remote offices to enhance employee productivity and work quality.
The information to be stored and linked together in the trade records information management system of the present invention comes from multiple sources in multiple forms and is delivered to multiple locations. The information consists of mail, FAX, SWIFT, TELEX, and user input. (SWIFT and TELEX are captured by external systems and stored with the trade records information management system of the present invention). Documents can be presented at any of the service or processing facilities.
All information related to a particular transaction is linked in the trade records information management system of the present invention by the creation of transaction folders. The system maintains an internal unique key identifier to identify each folder and document with the image transaction ID number unique to each item when available from the image management system. For serving customer inquiries, transaction folders can be accessed by customer service representatives at network locations.
One significant aspect of the trade records information management system of the present invention is that users may define what documents are placed into what folders. Certain information is maintained on the folder level and is the same for all documents. Other than the internal unique key, however, there is no restriction on duplicate field references.
Processing of the documents in the transaction folders is performed by assigning the folders to trade service representatives (TSR's) based on rules defined by the system administrator. Each TSR or processor has a work queue in the trade records information management system of the present invention containing documents and customer inquiries to process. Simulating an in-box and desktop, the trade records information management system of the present invention provides the trade service representative (TSR) with a single point of reference to all data related to any letter of credit, reimbursement, collection, or guarantee. In addition, a trade service representative's work-in-process can be viewed by supervisors or operations heads at any time to monitor the backlog and assigned levels of work. The system automatically “ages” pending and discrepant work to present in to Supervisors.
Through a wide area network (WAN), all the trade records information data for a region is immediately available to users in that region, both locally and remotely. Archival storage is provided through the use of optical disks in a jukebox storage system. The information is available indefinitely by retaining optical disk platters off-line. Off-line optical disk platters can be re-mounted in the jukebox via requests to the information management system. Viewing of documents that have been archived requires the document ID stored in an off-line file. Off-line archive files are created through an administration controlled process.
Another significant aspect of the trade records information management system of the present invention is that database access is streamlined by providing direct access to the relational database. Users will have most of the necessary information accessible at their desktop without the need to use other manual filing sources to retrieve needed information. Access to these transaction folders is available from any authorized location on the trade records information network of the present invention. System administrators however, may restrict user workstations to only retrieve images from the local storage devices.
In a method according to the invention, inbound paper-based documents are scanned, indexed and reviewed in a preprocessing step. Document processing from folders is conducted by assigning the item to a trade service representative (TSR) based on routing rules defined by a system administrator. The TSR has a queue containing documents and inquiries for processing, providing the TSR with a single point of reference to data related to L/C (Letter of Credit), reimbursement, collection, and guarantee. Document work flow is monitored for backlog and assigned work levels. Transaction folders contain the components related to a particular trade services transaction. The folders include all physical input and output media associated with transactions, such as electronic messages, mail items, inquiry history records, system user entered messages, and inbound fax messages.
The system and method of the present invention offers several distinct advantages over known trade records management systems that allow banks and other financial institutions to achieve a competitive advantage by offering faster turnaround of customer transactions and improved customer service. To begin with, it is possible to streamline and improve the workflow of the paper-based product delivery process and provide automated control of discrepant and in-process items. Moreover, the invention provides controlled and immediate access through images and indexes to the different forms of information about trade services financial transactions. This allows improved customer service by providing immediate access to all information on a specific financial transaction. The invention also reduces the amount of time trade services representatives (TSR's) and customer service representatives (CSR's) spend searching for and retrieving information by, replacing microfiche archiving and improving document organization of the current imaging systems.
A currently preferred embodiment of the system of the present invention will now be described with reference to the attached drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is an overview block diagram of the information management system in accordance with the invention.
FIG. 2 is a more detailed diagram of the information management system according to the invention.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the flow of incoming and outgoing data among components of the system of the invention.
FIG. 4 is a flow chart that illustrates the operation of the system startup from the operating system.
FIG. 5 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for allowing a user to select a new password.
FIG. 6 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 5.
FIG. 7 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 6.
FIG. 8 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for starting an index module with an index queue window.
FIG. 9 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 8.
FIGS. 10A and 10B are flow charts that continue the process of FIG. 9.
FIG. 11 is a flow chart that illustrates a document checking process.
FIG. 12 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 11.
FIG. 13 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for displaying user status information to a trade service representative and/or a supervisor.
FIG. 14 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 13.
FIG. 15 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 13.
FIG. 16 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for displaying information to a customer service representative.
FIG. 17 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for displaying information to a system administrator and a system controller.
FIG. 18 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 17.
FIG. 19 is a flow chart that illustrates a process of scanning textual information for use in the system of the invention.
FIG. 20 is a flow chart that illustrates a process of inputting new inquiries into the system according to the invention.
FIG. 21 is a flow chart that illustrates a process for allowing users to enter information about a folder or a transaction in a folder to find a specific folder for viewing.
FIG. 22 is a flow chart that continues the process of FIG. 21 detailing the Folder Detail window.
FIG. 23 is a flow chart of a process for allowing users to users to pend items by inserting levels 1, 2, and 3 reasons.
FIG. 24 is a flow chart that illustrates a representative relationship between different types of tables used in the system according to the invention.
An information management system in accordance with the invention is broadly illustrated in FIG. 1. As shown therein, an importer 100 applies for a letter of credit, a reimbursement, a collection, or a guarantee through a home branch location 102 or a correspondent bank location 104 . The appropriate requirements are transmitted (by a modem or the like) from a terminal, such as a personal computer 106 , to a server 116 located remotely from the terminal. The server may be any suitable hardware device, but is preferably a general purpose computer such as an HP9000 model G90 server.
In the system shown, a “hard copy” 134 of the letter of credit, reimbursement, collection and/or guarantee may be transmitted by other means, such as by facsimile 132 , over standard telephone lines. The information contained in the hard copy 134 may also be communicated by telephone 130 . Information corresponding to a request for a letter of credit (L/C), a reimbursement, a collection, or a guarantee may also be communicated to the server 116 , from a SWIFT 126 , a VAX/LAN 124 or a TELEX 128 terminal via a gateway server 122 .
Once received from any of the above-described means, the information is conveyed, for example, to an exporter 108 via a home branch 110 or a correspondent bank 112 . As shown, this information is conveyed via a personal computer 114 that is in communication with the server 116 , typically via modem.
The system includes means for inputting hard copy items into the system. A scanner 136 is preferably used for this purpose, but any other input device may also be used to input hard copy items into the system. Other items are obtained electronically or are generated internally. All items are indexed with an indexer 138 , (at step 138 ), reviewed by a document checker 140 , assigned to a transaction service representative 142 , as defined by a system administrator and routing rules. The transaction service representative work flow is monitored by a Supervisor 146 , and all customer inquiries are performed by the customer service representative 148 .
The data received by the server can be stored in any convenient media. For example, short-term data and data for indexing and ques may be stored on a magnetic disk 120 . Data used for long-term data and image data may be stored on an optical storage and retrieval system (OSAR) 118 . The server supports the system and the image database, updates applications, and supports the gateway systems.
In accordance with the invention, the system maintains information pertaining to transactions in “transaction folders.” The transaction folders created in the trade records information management system of the present invention contain all the components related to a particular trade services transaction, including images of hard copy documents including original documentation such as bills of lading, insurance certificates, commercial invoices and so forth. The transaction folders may also include messages and notations concerning customer inquiries. The transaction folders are a logical construct for linking individual documents and messages related to a single transaction. The trade records information database maintains an internal unique key attribute to identify each folder and document.
In accordance with one significant aspect of the trade records information management system of the present invention, users may define what documents are placed into what folders. Certain information is maintained on the folder level and is the same for all documents. Other than the internal unique key, however, there is no restriction on duplicate field references. Although this will allow multiple folders with the same reference number to be stored in the database, two reference numbers are unique for the system. On the folder level, the bank reference number is unique. In addition, where used, the local trade records management system transaction ID is unique to each item.
The transaction folder created in the trade records information management system of the present invention may contain all the physical input and output media associated with the transaction. This includes, where applicable, electronic messages, mail items, inquiry history records, user entered messages, and inbound fax messages.
Users have control over what documents are stored in each folder and are allowed to move documents between folders. Users are also allowed to update database information about a document while it is in their queue.
The central trade records information management system of the present invention provides centralized storage of primary images and database records at the regional processing center. This allows for easy administration and maintenance. Duplicate images may be distributed to the local trade records information management systems maintained at remote customer service units.
The trade records information management system of the present invention also includes means for local storage of frequently used reference data. This data is maintained using a database management system (DBMS). Reference data is maintained locally at remote customer service units to reduce network traffic.
The local trade records management system gateway serves as an interface between the local trade records management system and the central trade records information management system of the present invention systems. Images will be stored at the regional processing center in a information management system and at remote customer service units via an image repository. The gateway will handle inbound and outbound image conversion. The local trade records management system gateway will handle communications between the customer service unit and regional processing center.
The system includes a gateway to automatically update database records with a bank reference number when it is assigned and remove the item from the trade service representative (TSR) work queue. A flag on the document record indicates if the user may close the item or if the item is closed by an automatic feed from the transaction processing system.
The update application will read a flat file that is transmitted to the central trade records information management system of the present invention server via a network data mover (NDM) from the system. The flat file will contain a local trade records management system ID and a bank reference number for transactions processed during the business day. The update program is run nightly.
The trade records information management system of the present invention will operate on Local Area Networks (LAN) at each site that are connected via a TCP/IP network. Depending on the capacity of the network, it might be advisable to limit image traffic across the network to batch transmissions between the local trade records management system and the central trade records information management system. However, where network capacity permits, it is preferably to allow direct access of images from the central trade records information management system. Data will traverse the network via structured query language (SQL) requests from the clients to the central trade records information management system of the present invention server at the regional processing center. The system preferable includes a graphic SQL interference to allow use by users not experienced in structured query language.
The trade records information management system of the present invention is based on several open architectures that will allow a bank to expand the application by adding additional servers, increasing processing power in existing servers, distributing data and images to remote sites, and the like.
The trade records information management system of the present invention is designed to be flexible in work assignment. Routing rules can be implemented to change workflow from one module to another or one user group to another with minimal or no application modifications. New queues can be created by the system support team by inheriting characteristics from an existing queue class and adding unique queue characteristics.
The system includes means for inputting hard copy items into the system. A scanner 136 is preferably used for this purpose, but any other input device may also be used to input hard copy items into the system. Other items are obtained electronically or are generated internally. All items are indexed with an indexer 138 , (at step 138 ), reviewed by a document checker 140 , assigned to a transaction service representative 142 , as defined by a system administrator and routing rules. The TSR work flow is monitored by a Supervisor 146 , and all customer inquiries are performed by the customer service representative 148 .
FIG. 2 illustrates data flow between the system and peripheral devices outside the system. Everything within the dotted line labeled 168 represents features of the system that interact with systems external to the information management system, which are shown outside the boundaries of the dotted line 168 . When an opening bank 150 , (for example an importer's home branch bank or a correspondent bank) initiates a transaction, transaction information is sent as either electronic data 156 (such as in SWIFT or telex format), or as a hard copy 152 , (such as by mail or facsimile). Other data, such as daily message files, transaction files, header files, and system control files 164 are sent electronically to a gateway server 162 maintained at a regional processing center (RPC). Incoming and outgoing messages and transaction outputs 166 are also sent through the gateway 162 .
If inbound hard copy data or electronic data from the gateway 162 require indexing, preprocessing is performed at step 158 . After the preprocessing is performed at step 158 , the data is sent to the transaction folders 170 . Items that have already been associated with a folder identification are directly sent to the transaction folders 170 .
More particularly, for inbound hard copy data 152 , each document (item) is sent to preprocessing 158 for scanning, indexing, and review. Once the review is complete, the item is saved into a particular transaction folder or a new transaction folder is created. If there is an existing folder, internal data 172 from OSAR or the magnetic disks is used to update the folder. The system of the present invention also includes means that allow the transaction service representative 174 to manage the transaction from initiation to completion, and to permit the CSR 175 to handle customer service inquiries 176 . In the currently preferred embodiment these means are specially programmed general purpose computers and telecommunication equipment, but any means that allows the transaction service representative and CSR to perform their respective functions could be used. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that several different types of reports can be prepared using the system databases 178 .
FIG. 3 diagrams in greater detail the interaction of the gateway 162 of FIG. 2. Incoming data from the customer service units 179 represented in solid lines consist of control files and image files. The image files are stored in a tagged-image-file-format (TIFF) format (a standard that defines a format in which graphic images are stored on a disk). The data records relating to the images are stored in control files 180 . The gateway at the regional processing center 181 passes the control files, converts the image files, writes status and errors 182 to a gateway queue 183 , and sends the data and images 184 to the information management system 185 for data management. The gateway and the information management system functions insert a record into the gateway queue when a system action must be correspondingly performed at the customer service unit.
For outgoing instructional information, the gateway 189 reads the gateway queue records 187 to determine the action to be taken. This action, sent by the information management system 185 , may be instructions 186 , preparations, or status data 188 stored in the gateway queue that need to be communicated with the customer service unit 179 . For outgoing data and images from the information management system, the gateway converts the TIFF image files and creates control files 191 , and sends the images electronically to the customer service unit 179 .
The operation of the information management system diagramed in FIG. 1 is illustrated starting with FIG. 4 at step 200 . The program manager awaits selection of the system. After selection, the sign-on window prompts the user to enter their user ID number and password at step 202 . If the user ID number does not correspond to that which is stored in a user profile record (at step 204 ) the system displays an error message 206 and returns to the sign on window 202 .
If the user ID number matches a user profile record, then the system verifies whether the security time period as defined by the system administrator (at step 207 ) has elapsed. If the time period has elapsed, then the system forces the user to change their password (at step 232 ). If the time period has not elapsed, then the user ID number and password is passed to the image server by the system ( 210 ). If the image server does not verify the user ID number and password connection (at step 212 ) and there have not been a specified number of incorrect inputs (at step 214 ), then the system displays an error message (at step 206 ), and returns to the sign on window (at step 202 ). If the user has exceeded the specified number of incorrect inputs (at step 214 ), then the system updates the user profile record with a status of lockout (at step 216 ) and the system exits (at step 218 ). The lockout status can only be unlocked by the system administrator as shown at step 246 .
When a connection with the image server is made (at step 212 ), then a connection is made with the system server for user ID and password verification (at step 220 ). Once the connection is completed, a connection is made with the local system database at the workstation (at step 222 ) and prompts the user's sign-on history window indicating the date and time of the successful logon, the number of unsuccessful logon attempts, and in a bar graph form, the transfer and update of reference tables to the workstation (at step 226 ). Once completed, the system prompts the main menu (at step 228 ) to allow the user to select a particular process dependent on the user ID status (at step 230 ). If the user selects the password process (at step 232 ), the system displays the change password window (at step 223 ) described in FIG. 5. If the user selects the messages process (at step 234 ), the system displays the message queue window (at step 235 ) described in FIG. 6. If the user selects the index process (at step 236 ), the system displays the index queue window (at step 237 ) described in FIG. 8. If the user selects the document checker process (at step 238 ), the system displays the document checker queue window (at step 239 ) described in FIG. 11. If the user selects the TSR process (at step 240 ), the system displays the TSR Queue window (at step 241 ) described in FIG. 13. If the user selects the supervisor process (at step 242 ), the system displays the supervisor queue window (at step 243 ) described in FIG. 13. If the user selects the CSR process (at step 244 ), the system displays the CSR Queue window (at step 245 ) described in FIG. 16. If the user selects the System Administrator process (at step 246 ), the system displays the table maintenance window (at step 247 ) described in FIG. 17. The user may select “Logout” (at step 248 ) to exit the system (at step 249 ).
If the system forces the user to change their password at step 207 , or if the user selects the “Password” process at step 232 , the system displays the change password window (FIG. 5, step 306 ). The user enters the new password (at step 308 ), and then re-enters the new password (at step 310 ). The system prompts the user if the new password should be entered into the system (at step 312 ). A selection of cancel (at step 314 ) exits the process and returns the user to the main menu (at step 326 ). A selection of OK verifies the password against the image server logon password (at step 318 ). If the password is verified, then the system verifies against the database server (at step 320 ). If the password is verified, then the system changes the password for the image and database server (at step 322 ) and exits the process and returns to the main menu (at step 326 ). If the password does not pass either the image server or database server verifications, then the user is asked to either re-enter password or select cancel (at step 324 ).
When a message is sent from User A to User B, a message from the Message Server Application for new messages (at step 384 ) is received through the Message Alert window. If user does not wish to read the message, the system returns to the previous window (at step 390 ). If the user wishes to read the message, the user selects Read (at step 392 ) to display message.
If the user selects the Messages process (at step 234 ), the system accesses the Current Message Table (FIG. 6, step 352 ) searching for messages with a recipient ID number the same as the User ID number. The following table shows the structure of the Current Message Table.
The Message Queue window is displayed listing matching records (at step 354 ) with the date of message, the sender ID number, our reference number, other bank reference number, several characters of the message and the status of the message. The uses may read any selected messages (at step 360 ) or send a new message (at step 364 ). If the user does not wish to read or send a message, then select Cancel to return to the main menu (at step 366 ).
If the user selects Send message, then the system displays the Send Message window (at step 368 ), allowing the user to input a message of less than or equal to 2000 characters using the Message Detail box (at step 372 ). The user must direct the message to a primary recipient and may direct the message to a cc recipient (at step 374 ). To deliver the message, the workstation connects with the message server port (at step 376 ) and reads the parameters from the configuration file (at step 378 ). The message is read as it passes through the message server (at step 380 ) and the system creates a record in the Message Table, the User Message Resolution Relationship Table and in the post processor queue (at step 382 ). The Message Table and the User Message Relationship Resolution Table are represented below.
If the user wishes to read a selected message (FIG. 7, step 402 ), then the system displays the Message Detail window (at step 404 ). The system displays the message retrieved from the Message Table using the key field Message ID (at step 406 ) and displays the date of message sent, the sender name, our reference number, other bank reference number, and the message. Once retrieved, the system marks the message as read on the Current Message Table (at step 408 ). If the user is a primary recipient (at step 410 ), and the message is associated with a folder (at step 412 ), then the system saves the message by deleting the message from the Current Message Table and inserting a record into the post processor to store message on the image server (at step 414 ). If the message read by the primary recipient is not associated with a folder, or if the user is a cc recipient (at step 418 ) and has completed reading the message (at step 420 ), then the system deletes message from the Current Message Table (at step 416 ). The user can reply to the message (at step 422 ) by invoking the Send Message window (at step 368 ).
If the user selects the Index process (at step 236 ), the system reads the index queue and displays the Index Queue window (FIG. 8, step 452 ) listing items awaiting indexing. The index queue provides field boxes for item priority, product type, operation type, scan date, scan type, scan location, number of pages, current status, scanner ID, user ID, and a transmedium code displayed in the Index Queue window.
To print the Index Queue window, the user selects Item: Print (at step 466 ) to invoke the print function (at step 468 ) and send the displayed items to the print queue (at step 470 ). The user can select Options (at step 472 ) for a array of functions, including Search (at step 474 ) that invokes the Search function (at step 476 ) and Summary (at step 478 ). Sort (at step 482 ) is available allowing the user to change the default index sort using priority, product type, scan date and scan location (at step 484 ). The system reads the new sort (at step 486 ) before returning control back to the Index Queue (at step 488 ). Other available options are Clear (at step 490 ) that erases the content of the queue (at step 492 ), Auto Next (at step 494 ) that initializes the Item Detail window with the next queue entry (at step 496 ) and Messages (at step 498 ) that invokes the Message process described in FIG. 6. Selecting help (at step 502 ) invokes the system help function (at step 504 ).
If there are no items in the index queue, then the user is notified by a message box and control is return to the main menu (at step 456 ). If there are items in the index queue (at step 454 ), then the items are sorted by priority in and scan date and time in descending order (at step 458 ). When the user selects an item to index (at step 460 ), the entry is inserted into the Row Lock table (at step 462 ) and the system displays the Index Entry window for data input alongside the Image Display window (at step 508 ). The structure of the Row Lock Table is shown below.
Field names are read and updated from the product and operation reference tables when the product and operation type are selected (at step 509 ). The user initially decides to accept or reject the scanned document (at step 514 ). If the image is rejected, the user invokes the reject function (at step 516 ) that passes control to the Reject window illustrated in FIG. 26 and the item is removed from the locked table and rejected back to scanning described in FIG. 19.
If the image is an inquiry about an instrument that has not been opened by the home bank (at step 520 ), then the user creates a new Customer Service Number (CSN) (at step 522 ). The system creates a new folder with a unique reference number and prompts the Index Entry window with unlocked data entry fields (at step 524 ). The user enters data for the item using the Index Entry window (at step 548 ).
If the field our reference number is known (at step 526 ), then the user inputs number (at step 528 ). When the inputted our reference number is new and not associated with a folder (at step 530 ), then the system creates a new folder and unlocks the data entry fields (at step 538 ) for data input (at step 548 ). When the inputted our reference number is associated with a folder, then the system accesses the Folder Table illustrated in FIG. 38, inputs the available folder level data, and item data fields remain unlocked (at step 532 ) for data input (at step 548 ).
When the user does not know our reference number, then the user can initiate a folder search (at step 534 ) by selecting Options—Search (at step 540 ) or create a new folder (at step 536 ). The folder search initiates the Search window (at step 542 ) allowing the user to select an appropriate folder (at step 544 ). When the user selects the appropriate folder, the folder level data is locked with item level fields unlocked in the Index Entry window (at step 546 ). If a new folder is created, the Index Entry window is displayed with unlocked data entry fields.
Once all data is inputted into the unlocked fields (at step 548 ), the user can save the input (FIG. 10, step 554 ) by selecting the Complete button (at step 556 ). The item is routed based on the information entered and on routing rules maintained by the System Administrator (at step 558 ). The record is then removed from the Lock Table. The user may also select cancel, which deletes the record from the lock table and unlocks the record (at step 562 ).
If more detail of the document is needed (at step 510 ), the user can invoke the Document Breakout window (FIG. 10, step 566 ) that accesses the Document Breakout Table (at step 568 ), as shown below, which allows the user to delete, add, or modify the existing document type from the table (at step 570 ).
If the user (checker) selects the Document Checker process (at step 238 ), the system displays the Document Checker Queue window (FIG. 11, step 602 ) listing items awaiting review. The queue provides field boxes for item priority, product type, operation type, our reference number, other bank reference number, corporate compliance check, scan date, scan location, current status, scanner ID and scan time displayed in the queue window.
If the item list is empty (at step 604 ), then the system displays a warning message (at step 606 ) and the system returns control to the desktop (at step 608 ). When the item list is not empty, then the items are sorted based on the default sort order (at step 610 ) or user defined sort order (at step 634 ). The checker selects an item for display (at step 612 ), and if the item is viewed by others (at step 614 ), then the item is displayed in read-only status with the edit function disabled (at step 616 ). If the item is not viewed by others, then the system inserts the item record into the Lock Table (at step 617 ).
If the item is currently pending, then the system displays the Pend History window for review (at step 619 ). If the item is not pending, the system displays a split screen with the Document Checker Item Detail window for indexing information and the Image Display window for viewing the scanned document (at step 620 ). The Save button is disabled and the Complete and Re-check buttons are enabled.
To reject the scanned item, the checker selects Reject (at step 636 ) that displays the Reject window illustrated in FIG. 24. To route an item to another user, Route (at step 640 ) is selected that invokes the Route window illustrated in FIG. 24. To pend an item, Pend (at step 644 ) is selected that invokes the Process Pending function described in FIG. 23. To print the Document Checker Queue window, the checker selects Print (at step 648 ) to invoke the print function and send the displayed items to the print queue (at step 650 ). The checker can view the item folder in detail by selecting Folder Detail (at step 652 ) that invokes the folder detail window described in FIG. 22. Search (at step 656 ) invokes the Search function (at step 658 ) and Summary (at step 660 ) invokes the Summary function diagramed in FIG. 25. Sort (at step 664 ) is available allowing the checker to change the default sort order using the sort window illustrated in FIG. 24. Other available options are Corporate Compliance Check (at step 668 ) illustrated in FIG. 24, Refresh (at step 672 ) that re-reads the Document Checker queue (at step 674 ), and Change Folder (at step 632 ) that invokes the Folder Maintenance window for the System Administrator (at step 634 ) described in FIG. 17. Messages (at step 628 ) invokes the Message process described in FIG. 6. Selecting help (at step 624 ) invokes the system help function (at step 626 ).
The checker is allowed to edit fields when in the Document Checker Item Detail window (FIG. 12, step 678 ). If the checker chooses to edit fields (at step 680 ), then the system changes mode and disables the Complete and Re-check buttons and enables the Save button and all field are unlocked from the read-only status (at step 682 ). After the checker edits the appropriate fields, the checker can choose to save the edits (at step 684 ). If the checker selects Cancel, then the system re-locks the fields for read-only status (at step 686 ). To choose to save the edits, the checker selects Save, allowing the system to update the document and folder level detail records (at step 688 ). The system disables Save, enables the Edit, Complete and Re-Check options, and places all fields in read-only status by re-locking fields (at step 690 ).
If there is no field editing to be performed, the system mode remains with the Save button disabled and the Complete and Re-check buttons enabled (at step 692 ). The checker must decide whether to accept the review item (at step 694 ), have the item re-checked by another checker (at step 700 ), or ignore review process with the record deleted from the lock table and the system returns to the queue window (at step 704 ). If the item is acceptable (at step 694 ), the system displays the Route window (at step 696 ) with the route information passing to the route function. A record is created of the route and inserted into the Route History Table displayed below. If the item is re-checked (at step 700 ), then the item is returned to the Document Checker queue flagged for a second check (at step 702 ). The item is never checked by the same checker.
The TSR and Supervisor processes are similar in user functionality except that the Supervisor has the additional capability of accessing Aging reports and performing reassignment control (FIG. 13, step 754 ). If the user selects the TSR (at step 240 ) or Supervisor (at step 242 ) process, the system displays either the TSR or Supervisor Queue window (at step 752 ). The queue provides product type, operation type, receipt date, router User ID number, beneficiary name and location, corporate compliance check status, L/C (letter of credit) amount, currency amount, our reference number, other bank name and reference number, current status, route date, and manual complete flag.
If the item list is empty (at step 758 ), then the system displays a warning message (at step 760 ) and the system returns control to the desktop (at step 762 ). When the item list is not empty, then the items are sorted based on the default sort order (at step 764 ) or user defined sort order (at step 820 ). The user selects an item for display (at step 765 ), then the system inserts the item record into the Lock Table (at step 768 ) if the item is not pending (at step 766 ).
If the item is currently pending, then the system displays the Pend History window illustrated in FIG. 26 for review. If the item is not pending, the system displays a split screen with the transaction service representative or Supervisor Item Detail window for indexing information and the Image Display window for viewing the scanned document (at step 770 ). The Save button is disabled and the Complete and Pend buttons are enabled.
To reject the scanned item, the user selects Reject (at step 792 ) and the system displays the Reject window illustrated in FIG. 24. To route an item to another user, Route (at step 796 ) is selected that invokes the Route window illustrated in FIG. 24. To pend an item, Pend (at step 800 ) is selected that invokes the Process Pending function described in FIG. 23. To print the TSR or Supervisor Queue window, the user selects Print (at step 804 ) to invoke the print function and send the displayed items to the print queue (at step 806 ). The user can view the item folder in detail by selecting Folder Detail (at step 808 ) that invokes the folder detail window described in FIG. 22. Search (at step 812 ) invokes the Search function (at step 814 ) and Summary (at step 816 ) invokes the Summary function diagramed in FIG. 25. Sort (at step 820 ) is available allowing the user to change the default sort order using the Sort window illustrated in FIG. 24. Other available options are Corporate Compliance Check (at step 824 ) illustrated in FIG. 24, Refresh (at step 828 ) that re-reads the TSR or Supervisor queue (at step 830 ), and Change Folder (at step 788 ) that allows the user to change or create a new folder for the item as described in FIG. 21. To specifically search for a folder, Search Folder (at step 776 ) is selected, invoking the Folder Search function described in FIG. 21. For a history of a particular folder related to the item, Folder History can be selected (at step 772 ), invoking the Folder History window (at step 774 ). Inquiry (at step 784 ) invokes the inquiry function as described in FIG. 20. Selecting help (at step 780 ) invokes the system help function (at step 782 ).
The user is allowed to edit fields when in the TSR or Supervisor Item Detail window (FIG. 14, step 834 ). If the user chooses to edit fields (at step 836 ), then the system changes mode and disables the Complete and Pend buttons and enables the Save button and all field are unlocked from the read-only status (at step 838 ). After the user edits the appropriate fields, the user can choose to save the edits (at step 840 ). If the user selects Cancel, then the system re-locks the fields for read-only status (at step 842 ). To save edits, the user selects Save, allowing the system to update the document and folder level detail records (at step 844 ). The system disables the Save, enables the Edit, Complete and Pend options, and places all fields in read-only status by re-locking fields (at step 846 ).
If there is no field editing to be performed, the system mode remains with the Save button disabled and the Complete and Pend buttons enabled (at step 848 ). The user must decide whether to accept the reviewed item (at step 850 ), have the item pended (at step 856 ), or ignore the review process with the record deleted from the lock table and the system returns to the queue window (at step 860 ). If the item is acceptable. (at step 850 ), the system updates the document and folder detail records with the completed date and time (at step 852 ). The document is then complete (at step 854 ). If the item is to be pended (at step 856 ), the pend function is invoked (at step 858 ) as described in FIG. 23 and the item status is changed to Pend. The record is deleted from the lock table and the system returns to the queue window (at step 860 ).
As stated before, the supervisor has the capability of accessing Aging reports and performing reassignment control (at step 754 ). If the supervisor selects Reassignment (at step 864 ), the user reassigns the work (including mail) from one user to another user indicating the item type and status (at step 866 ). If the supervisor selects Aging (at step 868 ), the system accesses the TSR and/or CSR queue information (at step 870 ) for presenting different types of reports. For an Item Time Report (at step 872 ), the report is prepared by entry or receipt date (at step 874 ). For an Overall Report (at step 876 ), the report is prepared by the overall aggregated status for CSRs or TSRs (at step 878 ). For a TSR Report (at step 880 ), the report is prepared using TSR aggregated by status or status aggregate by TSR (at step 882 ). For a CSR Report (at step 884 ), the report is prepared using CSR aggregated by status or status aggregate by transaction service representative (at step 884 ).
If the user selects the CSR process (at step 244 ), the system displays the CSR Queue window (at step 902 ). The queue provides product type, operation type, receipt date, router User ID number, beneficiary name and location, L/C (letter of credit) currency and amount, our reference number, other bank name and reference number, current status, route date, and manual complete flag.
If the item list is empty (at step 904 ), then the system displays a warning message (at step 906 ) and the system returns control to the desktop (at step 908 ). When the item list is not empty, then the items are sorted based on the default sort order (at step 910 ) or user defined sort order (at step 964 ). The user selects an item for display (at step 911 ), then the system inserts the item record into the Lock Table (at step 914 ) if the item is not pending (at step 912 ).
If the item is pending, then the system displays the Pend History window illustrated in FIG. 31 for review. If the item is not pending, the system displays a split screen with the CSR Item Detail window containing indexing information and the Image Display window for viewing the scanned document (at step 916 ). The Complete button is enabled.
To reject the scanned item, the user selects Reject (at step 936 ) which displays the Reject window illustrated in FIG. 24. To route an item to another user, Route (at step 940 ) is selected that invokes the Route window illustrated in FIG. 24. To pend an item, Pend (at step 944 ) is selected that invokes the Process Pending function described in FIG. 23. To print the CSR Queue window, the user selects Print (at step 948 ) to invoke the print function and send the displayed items to the print queue (at step 950 ). The user can view the item folder in detail by selecting Folder Detail (at step 952 ) that invokes the folder detail window described in FIG. 22. Search (at step 956 ) invokes the Search function (at step 958 ) and Summary (at step 960 ) invokes the Summary function diagramed in FIG. 25. Sort (at step 964 ) is available allowing the user to change the default sort order using the sort window illustrated in FIG. 24. Other available options are Inquiry (at step 930 for item based and 966 for general inquiry) as described in FIG. 20, and Refresh (at step 970 ) that re-reads the CSR queue (at step 972 ). Selecting help (at step 926 ) invokes the system help function (at step 928 ).
The user must decide whether to accept the reviewed item (at step 918 ), or ignore the review process with the record deleted from the lock table and the system returns to the CSR queue window (at step 917 ). If the item is acceptable (at step 918 ), then the item is sent back to the sender (at step 922 ) when the sender is not an indexer (at step 920 ), or the item is sent by routing rules when the sender was an indexer (at step 924 ).
If the user selects the System Administrator process (at step 246 ), the system displays the Table Maintenance window (FIG. 17, step 1002 ). Access to items different between a System Administrator and a System Controller (at step 1004 ). If the user is a System Controller, access is limited to approving or rejecting modified table records (at step 1006 ). A System Administrator may initially choose Reference or System Data (at step 1006 ) or may select an item from the Target Action box (at step 1010 ) for viewing (at step 1012 ). If the reject flag is “Yes”, then the reset button is enabled (at step 1022 ), allowing the administrator to reset current record (at step 1024 ), which deleted the record from the specified table's approval table (at step 1026 ). The system updates and locks status flag in the specified table (at step 1028 ).
If the System Administrator selects System Data, then the system provides a list of all modifiable system tables in the list box (at step 1016 ). If the System Administrator selects Reference Data, then the system provides a list of all modifiable reference tables in the list box (at step 1018 ). The administrator can select the table to be modified using the Target Action box (at step 1018 ). The system displays the table in the Maintenance window (at step 1020 ). The administrator can display the current record (at step 1030 ), add a new record to the table (at step 1032 ), modify a current record (at step 1034 ), delete a current record (at step 1054 ), or unlock a current record (at step 1056 ). When the administrator wishes to modify a current record (at step 1032 ), then the system locks the record and changes the status in the specified table (at step 1036 ). The system then creates the new modified record in the specified table's approval table addressing the changes made by the administrator (at step 1038 ) and unlocks the record for the modified table (at step 1040 ).
The System Controller must approve or reject the modifications (at step 1042 ). If the controller approves of the modifications (at step 1050 ), then the system locks the reference table record and updates the changed values and status. The system then unlocks the reference table record and deletes the current record from the approval table. The system then locks the system tables and updates last modified date field. The system unlocks the system table (at step 1052 ). If the controller rejects a modification made by the administrator, then the status of the specified table in the approval table is changed to rejected (at step 1046 ) with a recorded reason. The rejected modification is returned to the System Administrator for review (at step 1048 ).
If the table selected from step 1018 was a modifiable User or Routing Rules Table (at step 1054 ), then additional detail tables are presented. If a User Table is selected for modification (FIG. 18, step 1060 ), then the system displays the User Profile window (at step 1062 ) that access data from the User Profile Reference Table displayed in FIG. 37. If the System Administrator is creating a new user (at step 1064 ), then the administrator inserts available information about the user into the associated field boxes (at step 1066 ), and the system creates the new record, inserting the data into the User Profile Reference Table (at step 1068 ). If the System Administrator is modifying an existing record, then the system locks the user record in the User Profile Reference Table allowing the administrator to update the record (at step 1072 ). Once complete, the system unlocks the user record from the User Profile Reference Table (at step 1074 ).
If a Rules Detail Table is selected for modification (at step 1076 ), then the system displays the Routing Rules window that access data from the Rule Detail Reference Table displayed below.
The System Administrator is required to input the queue class, such as CSR, TSR, Supervisor, Indexer, or Scanner, and input the item status (at step 1078 ). The destination is determined by using C if the item is to be routed to a cluster or U if the item is to be routed to an user (at step 1080 ). The processing order is determined by inputting a positive integer, with processing proceeding in order of the smallest positive integer (at step 1082 ). The administrator must then enter an attribute (item field type), an operator, a value and connecter (at step 1084 ). Once completed, the user selects OK and the system updates or adds the rules to the Rule Detail Reference Table (at step 1086 ).
To perform scanning, the user must go through a separate logon process because it is a standalone module (at step 1102 ). The functionality of the logon process is the same as the system logon process, as the user must sign on to the Scan module to access the scan functions. The scanner must have a user profile record and a user ID and password assigned to the image server and the database server. Once connected, the system retrieves the workspace and document class files, for providing access to the image server scan functions (at step 1103 ).
The system displays the Scan Queue window to initiate the scanning process (at step 1104 ). The queue provides field boxes for priority, product type, operation type, scan date and time, batch ID, number of pages, scanner ID number, reject reason code, reject user ID number, and reject site boxes. To scan a document, the scanner selects “Scan!” (at step 1106 ) from the menu that displays the Scan Mode window (at step 1108 ). The scanner selects the product type (at step 1110 ), the operation type (at step 1112 ), the document type, the number of copies received and expected to receive inputted (at step 1114 ), and the priority assigned to the task (at step 1116 ). If the item is a rescanned item (at step 1138 ), then the user selects the appropriate item for rescanning (at step 1140 ), and selects “ReScan!” (at step 1142 ), which invokes the system to display the Scan Mode window with the selected entries for rescanning (at step 1143 ). Whether the item is a new document to be scanned, or a rescanned document, the user must select OK to define document batch or Cancel to return to the Scan Queue window (at step 1118 ).
When OK is selected, the system invokes the image server scanner panel for scanning and scanner control (at step 1120 ). Once the batch is scanned and the user selects Done from the control menu (at step 1122 ), then the system prompts the scanner with a Batch Accept/Reject window (at step 1124 ) to accept or reject the scanned document (at step 1126 ). If the scanner rejects the batch, then the image server panel is closed, the scanned document is deleted and awaiting rescanning (at step 1128 ). If the document is a rescan, then the scan queue entry is unlocked (at step 1130 ). If the scanner accepts the batch (at step 1126 ), and if the document is a rescan (at step 1132 ), then the system deletes the scan queue entry and record from the lock table (at step 1134 ). If the document is accepted but is not a rescan, then the document is saved to optical disk and the post processor queue record is written and processed by the scan batch function in the post processor (at step 1136 ). The document is awaiting indexing.
The user can select options (at step 1144 ) to initiate the Search and Summary functions (at step 1446 ). The Search selection invokes the View Folder window (at step 1148 ) described in FIG. 21 and the Summary selection invokes the Summary window illustrated in FIG. 25. Selecting help (at step 1152 ) invokes the system help function (at step 1154 ).
The system provides a method of handling customer inquiries. This option can be selected from the CSR, TSR or Supervisor, and provides the user, upon receiving a customer inquiry, the ability to search for a folder and display the contents. When invoked from the queue window (at step 1172 ), the system displays an empty Inquiry Log window (at step 1174 ). The log provides boxes for product type, current date and time, current User ID number, contact name, name of company/bank, phone number of caller, our reference number, other bank reference number, inquiry party, inquiry type, inquiry method, status, user ID number of router, date item was routed, and a memo field for any additional information. The user inputs the company/bank name, inquiry method, inquiry party and inquiry type (at step 1178 ), and the system returns with a full Inquiry Log window (at step 1180 ).
If the inquiry can be resolved at the time of review (at step 1182 ), then the user is prompted to select the appropriate reason codes from the Inquiry Resolve window (at step 1184 ) populated by data from the Pend Reason Reference Tables displayed below.
The inquiry is then deleted from the user work queue, and the inquiry log details are sent as documents to the image server (at step 1186 ). The entry is inserted into the Inquiry History Table and the inquiry is returned to the folder. The Inquiry History Table is shown below.
If the inquiry can not be resolved at the time of review, then the user can Pend the inquiry (at step 1188 ), place the inquiry as In-Process (at step 1196 ), or ignore the inquiry and return to the previous window (at step 1194 ). When the inquiry is pended, the user is prompted to select an appropriate reason and source for the pend from data from the Inquiry Pending window (at step 1190 ) that is populated by data from the Pend Reason Reference Tables. The inquiry is updated on the user work queue (at step 1192 ) and the entry is inserted into the Inquiry History table. If the inquiry is classified as In-Process (at step 1196 ), then the system writes the inquiry to the work queue for the originating user with a status of In-Process ( 1198 ). When the placement of an inquiry as Pending or In-process is complete, the system returns control to the previous window (at step 1200 ).
To clear the fields in the Inquiry Log window, the user selects Clear (at step 1202 ). To go to the Inquiry History window, the user selects History (at step 1206 ). Search (at step 1210 ) invokes the Search function or the Folder Search function if the reference number is included (at step 1212 ). Summary (at step 1214 ) invokes the Summary function diagramed in FIG. 25. Selecting Reports (at step 1218 ) invokes the report windows illustrated in FIG. 25 and selecting Messages (at step 1222 ) invokes the message queue described in FIG. 6. Selecting help (at step 1226 ) invokes the system help function (at step 1228 ). To route an item to another user, Route (at step 1230 ) can be selected to invoke the Route window illustrated in FIG. 24.
The folder search function is designed to allow users to enter information about a folder, or a transaction in a folder, or to find the specific folder to review. The folder search function specifically can only be activated from the TSR or supervisor process as described in FIG. 13. However, the search function can be called from other functions to link a document to a folder. When the Folder Search function is invoked (FIG. 21, step 1252 ), the system displays the Folder Search window with the user entering available folder level information (at step 1254 ). If the user field input is our reference number, other bank reference number, opening bank or beneficiary claiming bank, then a “Wild Card” search can be used (at step 1256 ). If the user enters the date, amount, opening bank or beneficiary/claiming bank only, then the system prompts the user for additional information (at step 1258 ) If the opening bank with beneficiary/claiming bank is entered only, then the system prompts the user for the amount or date (at step 1260 ). If the amounts and opening bank or beneficiary/claiming bank is entered only, then the system prompts user for specific date or date range (at step 1262 ), with the maximum range entered for the date range is one month (at step 1264 ). The system does not enable the Find button (at step 1268 ) until the search parameters are satisfied (at step 1266 ). Once the search parameters are satisfied, the system enables the Find button, which activated the database search of the Folder Table. (at step 1270 ) displayed in FIG. 29.
If the search produced more than one folder that meets the parameters (at step 1272 ), then the system invokes the Folder Select window providing a list of possible folder matches (at step 1274 ). The user may select a folder for detail (at step 1276 ) which invokes the Folder Detail window, or move the item to a new or different folder (at step 1275 ). The move or change folder option can also be invoked from FIG. 13, Sub5—Change Folder (at step 1282 ). If there is only one folder that meets the search parameters, then the system invokes the Folder-Detail window.
If the user selects to move the item to an existing folder (at step 1284 ), the item is locked and inserted into the Lock Table, and the system displays the Document Detail window for updating (at step 1286 ). Once the folder has been moved and the tables updated, the system control returns to the previous window (at step 1292 ). If the user selects to move the item into a newly created folder (at step 1288 ), then the system assigns a new folder ID and displays the Document Detail window for updating (at step 1290 ). Once the system returns control to the previous window (at step 1292 ), the record is unlocked from the Lock Table (at step 1294 ).
When only one folder meets the search parameters, or when a user selects a folder for detail from the Folder Select window, or when a user invokes the Folder Detail function (FIG. 11, FIG. 13, and FIG. 16), then the system invokes the Folder Detail window (FIG. 22, step 1302 ). The system displays a list of items from the folder (at step 1304 ). If no further detail is needed, the user may return to the previous window (at step 1332 ). The user may select an item from the folder for viewing (at step 1305 ), however, if the Folder Detail window was not invoked from the Inquiry Log window (at step 1306 ), then no linkage is needed (at step 1310 ) because the selected Document ID is known (at step 1312 ). If the Folder Detail window was invoked from the Inquiry Log window (at step 1306 ), then the Linkage button is enabled and the user can insert our reference number or other bank reference number (at step 1308 ). If either number is known, then no linkage is needed (at step 1310 ) because the Document ID is known (at step 1312 ). If the item is pending, then the user can view the Process Pending View window (at step 1316 ) by selecting the View Pend Detail (at step 1314 ). The user select display (at step 1318 ) to invoke the Document Detail window and image display window (at step 1320 ). The user can select inquiry (at step 1322 ) to invoke the Inquiry Log View window and image display window (at step 1324 ). The inquiry may be resolved or pending (at step 1326 ). If the inquiry is resolved, then the system displays the Inquiry Resolution Detail window in read-only status (at step 1328 ). If the inquiry is pending, then the system displays the Inquiry Pending Detail window in read-only status (at step 1330 ).
If neither the our reference number or other bank reference number is known, then the inquiry must be linked with a folder (at step 1334 ). The user selects Link which closes the Folder Detail window, and copies our reference number and/or other bank reference number to the Inquiry Log window and fills data in the field boxes (at step 1336 ). The system returns to the Inquiry Log window (at step 1338 ).
The Process Pending function can be invoked from the Document Checker, TSR, Supervisor, and CSR processes by selecting the Pend function when the item cannot be processed immediately due to discrepancies. When the Pend function is selected, the Process Pending window is invoked (at step 1352 ). The system displays the Process Pending window with the our reference number, other bank reference number, data and time and current User ID fields filled (at step 1354 ). The user can select a level one discrepancy reason from the pull down menu list accessed from the Discrepancy Level One Reference Table (at step 1356 ). The system returns with one or more level two discrepancy reasons accessed from the Discrepancy Level Two Reference Table (at step 1358 ). The user selects and adds the level two discrepancy reason from the list (at step 1360 ). The system returns with zero or more level three discrepancy reasons accessed from the Discrepancy Level Three Reference Table (at step 1362 ). The user selects and adds the level three discrepancy reason from the list (at step 1364 ).
The user can select a level one pend reason from the pull down menu list accessed from the Pend Level One Reason Reference Table (at step 1366 ). The system returns with zero to two level two pend reasons accessed from the Pend Level Two Reasons Reference Table (at step 1368 ). The user selects and adds the level two pend reason from the list (at step 1370 ).
Once all the reasons have been selected, the user can delete any reasons (at step 1372 ). If the user chooses to, the reasons are removed from the selected list (at step 1378 ). The user can save the reasons by selects OK that updates the current users work queue with the pending status of the item (at step 1374 ). The system inserts the Level one, two, or three reason entries into the Pend History Table (at step 1376 ) shown below.
Preferred Hardware and Systems Architecture.
The present invention uses an open systems approach that does not lock user sites into a particular hardware of software platform. The preferred client/server architecture splits processing between the end-user workstations and one or more servers.
A single HP9000, model G90, may be used to support all server processes in a regional processing center. This includes FileNet's information management system, Oracle7 relational database management system (RDBMS), trade records information management system server processes, the update application, and the gateway between the local and central data storage means.
The preferred minimum user configuration will consist of a 486/66 microcomputer having 16 Megabytes of RAM, 500 Megabyte hard drive, 19″ monitor with 1600×1200 resolution, mouse, MS-DOS 6.2, MS-Windows 3.11, PowerBuilder 3.0a, SQL*Net 1.1, and FileNet Desktop 3.13 with LAN Workplace for DOS TCP/IP support.
The infrastructure of the trade records information management system of the present invention is broken into three main areas—image management, data management, and presentation.
The trade records information management system of the present invention utilizes two image management systems to store and display images. FileNet's information management system and Optical Storage Retrieval (OSAR) System is implemented at the regional processing center as a central area to store and retrieve images. All images in the system are stored in this location. Remote locations with robust network links can also use this image repository.
Since the image management and data management systems are separate modules, users have the option of using different management software. Two features of the trade records information management system of the present invention allow this functionality. First, the relational database has been designed to allow for multiple locations and formats of images for each document. This means that the same image can be stored in different locations, or even different image management systems. Second, the front-end application uses specific functions to retrieve images. By replacing or upgrading these functions for different sites, different image management packages can be used. Additionally, the front-end image retrieval function will allow for an escalation scheme to determine if an image that is not stored locally should be retrieved across the network.
One significant aspect of the trade records information management system of the present invention is the conversion of the database to state of the art relational database management system (RDBMS), preferably Oracle7. The same server may be used for the relational database management system and the information management system (IMS). Larger regions may choose to split these two processes between multiple servers. In addition, it is expected that the data replication of relational database management systems, such as Oracle7, will be improved in future releases. Use of this technology will increase performance at the customer service unit and decrease inter-country network traffic.

Trade record information management system

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If the user (checker) selects the Document Checker process (at step 238 ), the system displays the Document Checker Queue window ( FIG. 11 , step 602 ) listing items awaiting review. The queue provides field boxes for item priority, product type, operation type, our reference number, other bank reference number, corporate compliance check, scan date, scan location, current status, scanner ID and scan time displayed in the queue window.
The System Administrator is required to input the queue class, such as CSR, TSR, Supervisor, Indexer, or Scanner, and input the item status (at step 1078 ). The destination is determined by using C if the item is to be routed to a cluster or U if the item is to be routed to an user (at step 1080 ). The processing order is determined by inputting a positive integer, with processing proceeding in order of the smallest positive integer (at step 1082 ). The administrator must then enter an attribute (item field type), an operator, a value and connecter (at step 1084 ). Once completed, the user selects OK and the system updates or adds the rules to the Rule Detail Reference Table (at step 1086 ).
The user can select a level one pend reason from the pull down menu list accessed from the Pend Level One Reason Reference Table (at step 1366 ). The system returns with zero to two level two pend reasons accessed from the Pend Level Two Reasons Reference Table (at step 1368 ). The user selects and adds the level two pend reason from the list (at step 1370 ).

A ‘trade secret’: SPD’s record-keeping system?
When the Austin Police Department released its drunk driving statistics for 2015, they showed a stunning 23 percent drop in alcohol-related crashes. Everyone cheered, especially Lyft and Uber; both companies were knee-deep in a regulatory battle with the city, and trumpeted the numbers as proof their services reduced the number of people driving while intoxicated.
Days later the numbers changed, and that reduction was slashed to just 12 percent. They were tweaked again days after that, and increased to 17 percent. The problem, wrote Austin American-Statesman reporter Nolan Hicks, had to do with the department’s records management system, Versadex. The system had a complicated process for tracking DWI incidents. Some weren’t being counted while others were counted twice.
Versadex is used by departments across the U. S., including in Seattle. To better understand the system’s complexity, Hicks made public records requests from not only the Austin Police Department, but Seattle as well, for “any guides or instructions about how to query and export crime data from [Versadex].”
“It was important for us to get it,” says Hicks, “because if a police department was putting out bad numbers, it was important for us to be able to diagnose what they were screwing up.”
To his modest surprise, the request has now resulted in a federal court case between Versaterm, the Ontario, Canada-based company behind the software, and the City of Seattle. The case is a microcosm of a convoluted process for disclosure fights between requestors, government agencies and third party contractors that pits a well resourced company against a single individual with an agency in the middle that just doesn’t want to get sued.
And at stake is whether that record is permanently sealed from all future requests.
Recently there has been encouraging data about Seattle police’s interactions with people in crisis and uses of force, numbers undoubtedly collected with the help of Versadex.
But the software has had issues. In addition to Austin’s most recent kerfuffle, the Texas city had significant problems with its dispatch system between 2008 and 2010, resulting in slow response times.
In Portland, department officials openly expressed frustration with Versadex and its clumsiness, complaining of cost overruns and cumbersome records management.
Seattle police have been using Versadex since 2009. Broadly, it’s a form of intranet for the police. As a beat cop or dispatcher enters relevant information, it is quickly shared to other corners of the department. Following an incident, cops can use the same software to write a report from their car and automatically upload it into a database.
In theory, all of this should make it easier to track crime trends, as well as officer response to an incident. The second piece is extremely important to SPD, which got hammered by the Department of Justice for its history of poor records management, especially when it came to reporting uses of force and interactions with people in crisis.
The importance of the system, combined with its issues elsewhere, is more than enough to spur curiosity about how it works and whether it’s worth the cost.
The functionality of Versadex is central to SPD’s progress within the settlement agreement. The independent monitoring team created under SPD’s settlement agreement with the DOJ has received training on Versadex. The agreement calls on the department to “expand its tracking of information regarding SPD’s interactions with individuals in crisis” via Versadex. And the police’s former Chief Technology Officer Gregory Russell boasted of the software to the Stranger.
Sheila Friend Gray, SPD’s public disclosure officer, received Hicks’ request for Versadex instruction manuals on June 2. By July 20, she was ready to oblige, but not before notifying Versaterm of the intent to disclose, as is customary when a third party is involved.
In response, the company filed a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the City of Seattle. The manuals, they argued in dramatic language, are “quite literally packed with Versaterm’s intellectual property, such as valuable trade secrets.”
The company described the city’s intent to disclose the manuals as a “reckless and harmful course of action,” and they “ literally had no choice” but to file a TRO. “The metaphorical wrecking ball is about to hit the building,” reads the company complaint.
The restraining order was granted. Now, U. S. District Court Judge James Robart (the same judge overseeing the settlement agreement between the DOJ and City of Seattle) must decide whether to grant a permanent injunction, which would close these manuals off from the public eye permanently.
The first question is whether Versaterm can argue their manuals qualify as “trade secrets.” These are, on the surface, exempt from disclosure under Washington law. The company argues yes, that by disclosing these manuals, all their competitors could see the intimate details of how Versadex works.
“To turn these manuals over to a reporter, who may publish the manuals and other protected information to the world,” argues the company, would have the effect of “ruining Versaterm’s business.”
Not only should the court not make the manuals public, but SPD should never have even entertained disclosing them, argues the company. According to their case, Versadex was not sold to the City of Seattle, simply licensed, and therefore not the city’s to release.
“Such agencies should not be allowed to solemnly promise to protect their contractors’ trade secrets and then, with a wink and a nod, allow the contractors’ technology to be publicly disclosed, thereby destroying its value,” the company says.
The definition of a trade secret is not obvious, however.
“If they’ve released it to a government agency, how can you consider it secret?” says Toby Nixon of the Washington Coalition for Open Government. “I’m pretty skeptical. If it’s not super secret internal design documents, I think they have a hard time making a case that that’s a proprietary trade secret.”
In fact, some of the training materials for Versadex can already be found online.
Regardless of whether or not the information actually is a trade secret, attorney Katherine George argues the process for answering that question is the deeper problem.
“The problem with the public records act right now is that the general public can be permanently cutoff if the particular requestor either can’t or doesn’t want to fight,” she says.
There are three parties in the Versaterm lawsuit: Versaterm, the City of Seattle and Hicks. Versaterm’s stance is obvious. The city, however, doesn’t really care how the case turns out, and is interested mostly in protecting itself.
“In this sort of case, our interest isn’t in withholding or releasing the documents, it’s with complying with the law,” says John Schochet with the City Attorney’s Office. By the city’s calculations, they’d prefer to risk over-disclosing with a notice to the third party and letting it play out in court than risk violating state law.
Besides, cost is of little concern to the city. “Most of the cost in something like this tends to be born by the private parties,” he says.
That leaves Hicks. But although the case has been ongoing for nearly a month, Hicks hasn’t made an appearance. When asked if he’s planning to fight for the records, he says, “We haven’t had that discussion yet and honestly we’re so scrapped for resources, I’m not sure. Since the story’s run, I don’t know how interested the bosses are.”
Even if Hicks were to prevail, he and his newspaper would not recoup attorney fees in a case like this one.
Hicks’ absence is significant because Versaterm can freely argue his request is not in the public interest, and therefore shouldn’t be disclosed. “Is Hicks acting as a reporter or as an agent of one or more of Versaterm’s competitors?” the company asks in a court filing. “Before turning over (and perhaps losing) its most important intellectual property, Versaterm would like to know the answer.”
Although Hicks clearly has an argument for why DWI statistics are in the public interest, Robart so far has favored Versaterm’s argument, hence his initial decision to grant a TRO.
Because the city prefers to cover its bases through the court systems, whole documents can be shut off from the public even if only pieces are actually proprietary. As a member of the Sunshine Committee, established in 2007 to review exemptions from the state public records act, George is pushing for revisions to the records act to change this process. She’s proposing a more uniform approach for determining exactly what is considered a trade secret so that the agency — in this case the City of Seattle — can more clearly make a decision about what’s exempt at the start.
She’s also proposing awarding attorney fees to the requestors to “reduce the need for individual requesters to bear the entire costs of representing the public interest in obtaining non-exempt information.”
On August 16, George’s recommendations were met with general approval from the committee, which includes Senators Maralyn Chase (D-Shorline) and Pam Roach (R-Sumner); Representatives Luanne Van Werven (R-Lynden) and Larry Springer (D-Kirkland); Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes and others. The hope for George from here is to find a sponsor for the next legislative session.
Hicks’ story ran without the manuals, a disappointment to be sure. But he’s still interested in fulfilling the request.
“We’re not trying to request because we’re trying to steal or give it to a competitor,” ele diz. “We think there’s a very clear public interest.” It’s a message that may never reach the ears of the people that matter.

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